Indian Herbs For Bone Health Improvement

Syeda Shah (Xyeda Anie)
3 min readMar 10, 2021

Around 1.5 million people annually suffer from a fracture due to bone diseases, according to an article published in the Journal named Bone. As we age, our bones start deteriorating and become brittle. It is due to the reabsorption of calcium and phosphate from bone into the body. It eventually leads to osteoporosis.

You are likely to get a fracture with poor bone health even from mild stress such as cough. It can cause significant pain. You may feel difficult to stand up and sit. It can affect your mobility too.

But there are many ways you can improve your bone health. One of them is Indian herbs. Indian herbs are well known for their therapeutic and healing properties. Cissus and Boswellia are popular Indian herbs for bone health improvement. Read on to know about Cissus and Boswellia and how they affect bone health.

Cissus quadrangularis

Cissus quadrangularis is a medicinal plant found in India, Sri Lanka, and Africa. It belongs to the grape family. It is also commonly called the devil’s backbone, adamant creeper, hadjod, and pirandai.

It is basically a shrub containing a fibrous and fleshy stem. Its stems possess antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. It has been used in ayurvedic medicine for the improvement of health for thousands of years. It is used for the treatment of osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Today we know its mechanism and how it promotes bone health. It contains vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, steroid derivatives, and beta carotene. An article published in Bioinformation suggests that vitamin C and steroids present in it are attributed to fracture healing.

Another article published in the National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery suggests that it promotes fibroblast phase, collagen phase, and osteochondral phase. All of these phases are involved in the healing of a fractured bone.

Boswellia serrata

Boswellia serrata is native to India. It is also known as Indian frankincense, salai guggul, and Indian oil Barnum. The plant has given so much importance in the ayurvedic medicine system. It secrets resin from its bark which contains medicinal properties.

It is used to treat many inflammatory conditions, i.e. osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Researchers proved it’s use in healing bone and wounds. It also prevents the loss of cartilage.

It contains boswellic acid, which possesses pharmacological activity. Bone resorbing cytokines are released in osteoporosis. Boswellic acid has anti-inflammatory activity, and it reduces osteoclast activity. An article published in Nutrients suggests that it helps prevent the loss of bone in osteoporosis.


Bones become brittle and prone to fracture as we age. Indian herbs, including Cissus and Boswellia, are useful for the improvement of bone health. Cissus contain vitamin C and steroids, which have pharmacological action. The main active ingredient in Boswellia is boswellic acid, which helps prevent bone loss.


  1. Al-Dhubiab, B. E., Patel, S. S., Morsy, M. A., Duvva, H., Nair, A. B., Deb, P. K., & Shah, J. (2020). The Beneficial Effect of Boswellic Acid on Bone Metabolism and Possible Mechanisms of Action in Experimental Osteoporosis. Nutrients, 12(10), 3186.
  2. Bupesh, G. (2020). A short review on pharmacological activity of Cissus quadrangularis. Bioinformation, 16(8), 579–585.

Riggs, B. L., & Melton, L. J. (1995a). The worldwide problem of osteoporosis: Insights afforded by epidemiology. Bone, 17(5), S505–S511.

