Body Shaming and How to Deal with it?

Syeda Shah (Xyeda Anie)
3 min readAug 15, 2020


According to the Oxford dictionary, Body shaming is expressing mockery and criticism on someone’s appearance, humiliating someone because of how their body looks.

Body shaming is a form of bullying, making someone feel low or uncomfortable about themselves. A survey of Indonesian women in 2019 concluded that 33.6% of their females experienced body shaming. But the question arises: Why body-shaming even occurs?

We have beauty standards set by our so-called society: gazelle eyes, Slightly upturned nose, Rosy red full lips, long silky smooth hair, lighter skin tone, 5.5 feet height. long neck, exposed beauty bone, slender waist, curvy body, long legs, etc.

I hope you didn’t get a headache while reading these beauty standards. The person who doesn’t have these features is not good enough to move confidently in society. People will consider their right to comment on him or her: hey, You look so ugly, Look at your bulky nose. Look at your height: you are too short. Or people will only stare at that person and make him uncomfortable about his presence.

I sometimes laugh, how a person can possess all these features? It sounds weird. Right?

But the bitter truth is yes, our hearts shatter when people shame our bodies. We lose confidence when people make us feel we are not good enough. This is a heart-wrenching feeling.

Body Shaming always doesn’t come from other people. In some situations, the victims shame themselves too. The victims of Body shaming often stand in front of the mirror for hours questioning themselves Why they do not look in a certain way? Negative comments and images of perfect beauty bring self-esteem issues and behavioral abnormalities. The victims often begin to blame and criticize themselves. They disrespect themselves. They fear and try to change their appearance so people may not judge them based on their appearance.

How to deal with body shaming?

In the era of social media, it became a norm to comment on someone’s personal life because people can easily do it. They don’t consider what others might go through because of their shitty comment. And the truth is they will never consider it. So if you are dreaming that people will realize their mistake and stop body-shaming, you are only fooling yourself, my dear.

The only person who can stop body-shaming is YOU.

Yes, the victim is only a person who can stop body-shaming. You have to accept that you are not responsible for your features. How can you worry about the thing that is not under your control? Hey listen, Who set these beauty standards? The people like us who born the way we born. They don’t have superpowers or the people are not your God. So who are they to set beauty standards? How can you let them decide that you are beautiful or not?

Beauty lies in the eyes of viewer.

If they can’t see the beauty in you, they don’t have enough pretty eyes to see the beauty in you.

You are beautiful the way you are.

Stop body sahming

Respect yourself. Embrace yourself. Love your self. You are worthy of love, no matter how you look. Your looks don’t define you. Be proud of yourself.

The moment you learn to respect yourself, that moment you are ready to deal with body shaming.

Ignore people that shame your body. They are not worthy of your precious time.

Surround yourself with positive people.

BE SHAMELESS when they shame your body

I want to say the people who shame other’s bodies to feed their ego that nobody asked your opinion and advice about how one should look. And if you are so eager to empty your shitty mind, follow these steps

1- Write down your thoughts on some paper.

2-Fold the paper neatly.

3- Throw the paper in the nearest river.

This is how you will do some good for society. :P

